sexta-feira, 7 de junho de 2013


05 june
Prof. Émer Nogueira conhecendo os "generais" nos bancos da praça em frente ao "Grande" Coreto. E ao fundo a Igreja de São João Baptista. The least crazy "killed" 5 million.

Igreja de São João Baptista


06 june
Officers appointed to senior command positions were presented and had their senior military (special) titles conferred at a ceremony held in the Grand Kremlin Palace’s St George Hall.

Grand Kremlin Palace’s St George Hall.
The Grand Kremlin Palace was formerly the tsar's Moscow residence. Its construction involved the demolition of the previous Baroque palace on the site, designed by Rastrelli, and the Church of St. John the Baptist, constructed to a design by Aloisio the New in place of the first church ever built in Moscow.

Puss in Boots - The Three Devils الفيلم الكرتونى القصير (مدبلج عربى) 
Posted October 8, 2013


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