segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2013


Joanópolis SP


Piracaia SP


Enviado em 16/12/2007
Elvis Presley.'Burning Love' (Linde). Janurary 12, 1973 in Honolulu Hawaii.
Enviado em 19/03/2011
 The Aloha Tower is a lighthouse that is considered one of the landmarks of the state of Hawaii in the United States. Opened on September 11, 1926 at a then astronomical cost of $160,000,[2] the Aloha Tower is located at Pier 9 of Honolulu Harbor. It has and continues to be a guiding beacon welcoming vessels to the City and County of Honolulu. Just as the Statue of Liberty greeted hundreds of thousands of immigrants each year to New York City, the Aloha Tower greeted hundreds of thousands of immigrants to Honolulu. At 10 stories and 184 feet (56 m) of height topped with 40 feet (12 m) of flag mast, for four decades the Aloha Tower was the tallest structure in Hawaii.[2] It was built in the Hawaiian Gothic architectural style.
Attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan: when the attack on Pearl Harbor came on December 7, 1941, Coast Guardsmen from the USCGC Taney (WHEC-37) ...


...were ordered to take up defensive positions around Aloha Tower and protect it from being occupied. The Aloha Tower was painted in camouflage so as to disappear at night. 

 Travel: U.S.A. <---> Hawaii <---> Japan

 Aloha Stadium
Aloha Stadium é um estádio localizado no Condado de Honolulu, Havaí, Estados Unidos da América. é usado pela Universidade do Havaí nas partidas da sua equipe de futebol americano, os Warriors. Michael Jackson já fez um show no estádio,durante o HIStory World Tour.Ele fez duas apresentações com o público de 35.000 pessoas cada show.

Michel Jackson in Honolulu  - Hawaii.
Enviado em 07/09/2008


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Christian Noyer to continue as Chairman of BIS Board

7 January 2013


The Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) today announced the re-election of Christian Noyer, Governor of the Bank of France, for a second three-year term as Chairman of the BIS Board.

The term will commence on 7 March 2013 after the expiration of Mr Noyer's current term of office. He first assumed his responsibilities as Chairman of the BIS Board on 7 March 2010.

Members of the Board of Directors thanked Mr Noyer for his valuable contributions during his first term and welcomed his continued service to the Bank. 


Símbolo do Estado do Hawai, que é um dos 50 estados dos E.U.A.
Árvore: Aleurites moluccana / Nogueira-de-Iguape




Parable of the Evil Farmers.

«Depois começou Jesus a falar-lhes por parábolas. Um homem plantou uma vinha, cercou-a com uma sebe, cavou ali um lagar, edificou uma torre e arrendou-a a uns lavradores, e partiu para outro país. No tempo da colheita enviou um servo aos lavradores, para receber deles do fruto da vinha; mas eles, agarrando-o, o açoitaram e mandaram embora sem coisa alguma. Tornou a enviar-lhes outro servo; e a este o feriram na cabeça, e o carregaram de afrontas. Enviou ainda outro, e a este mataram; e enviou muitos outros, a alguns dos quais açoitaram e a outros mataram. Restava-lhe ainda um, o seu filho amado; a este enviou por último, dizendo: Terão respeito a meu filho. Mas aqueles lavradores disseram entre si: Este é o herdeiro; vinde, matemo-lo, e a herança será nossa. Agarrando-o, mataram-no e lançaram-no fora da vinha. Que fará o senhor da vinha? Virá e exterminará os lavradores e entregará a sua vinha a outros. Nunca lestes sequer esta passagem da Escritura: A pedra que os edificadores rejeitaram, essa foi posta como a pedra angular; Isto foi feito pelo Senhor, E é maravilhoso aos nossos olhos? Procuravam prendê-lo (mas temeram o povo), porque perceberam que contra eles proferia esta parábola. Deixando-o, retiraram-se.» (Marcos 12:1-12)[1]

  "Then Jesus began to speak to them in parables. A man planted a vineyard, and set a hedge about, there dug a winepress, built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into another country. At harvest time he sent a servant to the tenants to get them the fruit of the vineyard: and they caught him, beat him and sent him away without anything. He sent them another servant, and this wounded in the head, and carried to affronts. Again he sent another, and him they killed, and sent many others, some of whom they beat and killed others. That left him still one, his beloved son: he sent last, saying: They will reverence my son. But those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the heir: come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours. Grabbing him, killed him and threw him out of the vineyard. What will the lord of the vineyard? Will come and destroy the tenants and give the vineyard to others her. Have you not read even this scripture: The stone which the builders rejected, the same is made the cornerstone; This was done by the Lord, And it is marvelous in our eyes? Sought to arrest him (but feared the people), because they realized that spake this parable against them. Leaving him, withdrew. "(Mark 12:1-12) [1]

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